e mërkurë, 30 maj 2007


Day 16

Blue mosque! All the traditions were fulfilled! We remove the shoes, we cover the places due. A good experience!! TO mosque as all they, does not have figures human or animal. The personnels prays facing Mecca, with the little tail for the air, has his ritual. We do not enter for the same door that the Muslims. The women have a separate place of the men, incredibly smaller! Where read the Koran. The big Bazaar is big but difficult of find, unlike shops meter in meter and where negotiate is mandatory!! Is also full of personnels to floor of a side for another!! We are not Spanishes!! Portugal exists!! In the Egyptian bazaar or of the spices the smell feels to the distance. In the palace of the Sultan the treasures, barely everybody offered, or coming of lands dominated, can be considered insulting, if we will think of the standard of living of the remainder of the population!! The Palace also has one of the most sacred points for the Muslims, therefore in an of his rooms find itself several objects and mortal remains of the prophet Maomé. We go to road of Bucharest. Do not we know very well what time the train there arrives, neither itself afterwards is going to give for go for Budapest. Soon sees. As regards Istanbul, deserved clearly the visit.

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